Taking exception to the constant absence the Additional Session Judge Thatta Mr. Ghada Hussain Abroon on Tuesday issued non-bailable arrest warrants for 8 officials of Irrigation department who allegedly sold irrigation water to few influential growers of the area depriving other growers of their due share of water. A complaint involving 8 irrigation officials was filed by a local grower of Sujawal against the alleged disposal of water after reportedly getting bribes.
According to the reports from reliable sources, despite notices served to the officials several times the concerned irrigation officials did not appear in the court to submit their answers, following which the Judge issued their non-bailable warrants, ordering police to present them before Additional Session Judge on 17 July. Talking to local reporters outside the court, the complainant said that the accused diverted the irrigation water from the main irrigation canal towards the agricultural lands of few influential growers in the area after taking a hefty amount from them as a bribe. He said that he used all forums to protest the flagrant injustice of irrigation officials who were hand in gloves with few influential growers of the area and at the end knocked the court of justice. He further said that due to the indifferent attitude of irrigation officials and massive corruption in the department the poor growers were facing an acute financial crisis.