Afsha Latif, the ex- superintendent of Kashana Welfare Centre Lahore on Tuesday vowed to use every forum against the verdict of Chief Minister Punjab, which accepts to hold an inquiry against him upon the irregularities of funds.
The ex- superintendent of Kashana Welfare Home Lahore, a Darul Aman for orphan girls, uploaded a video on social media on November 29, where she claimed that the underage orphanage girls are being supplied to powerful ministers by the facility. Yet, when she refused to fulfill the illegal orders and immoral demands of the then director-general of welfare center Afshan Kiran and then provincial minister Ajmal Cheema, she got fired on August 16 — after which she asked for justice from every door but when she faced dismay, she took social media to support the innocents.
Subsequently, the Chief Minister Punjab (CM) Usman Buzdar concluded a team — the Chief Minister’s Inspection Team (CMIT) under the supervision of Dr. Raheel Ahmed, which after probing the case rebuffed the allegation of Afsha Latif by saying it “fake and baseless” — accordingly, the gave a free-chit to the former provincial minister of social welfare Ajmal Cheema on December 29.
In the interim, the CMIT requested the CM to probe the irregularities of funds by Afsha Latif when she was superintendent — which the CM office accepted.
However, Afsha Latif in her latest video said the all these inquiries have been made against him only to change the gene of the case, but she will never extract upon from her stance, she said still the illegal and inhuman approached towards the orphan girls continue in the so-called welfare center.
Further, she said that two girls named Amna Bhola (20) and Sajida (38) after being raped shifted to the orphanage home again, but when she asked to halt such acts with the orphan girls, Afshan Kiran put both girls in the mental hospital referring them insane.
Meanwhile, the Rikshaw Union of Lahore favored Afsha Latif by staging a protest demonstration outside the Lahore Press Club after the news appeared and chanted slogans against the Punjab government. They said that the sexual abuse of orphan girls and the homeless women are very shameful act and demanded strict actions against the offenders.
On the other hand, Afsha Latif has filed a petition in Lahore High Court, which is looked by Justice Malik Shahzad — though it hasn’t touched a conclusion.
“I requested all the authoritative department to ponder upon the case and give safety to the orphan” Afsha Latif implored.