In Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, political experts and analysts have said that Narendra Modi-led Indian government’s 5 August 2019 and subsequent actions in the territory are brazen violations of the UN resolutions on Kashmir.
According to Kashmir Media Service, the political experts and analysts in their interviews in Srinagar said Jammu and Kashmir is an international dispute on the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) agenda. They said holding of UNSC meetings on Kashmir is nullification of Indian claim that Kashmir is its internal matter while UN military observers stationed in Jammu and Kashmir is another proof that Kashmir is an international dispute.
The political analysts and experts pointed out that Indian attempt to remove the Kashmir dispute from the UNSC agenda shows its disregard for the UN itself. “India can’t remove Kashmir from UNSC agenda unless the dispute is resolved as per Kashmiris’ aspirations. Indian plans to change IIOJK’s demography is flagrant violation of UN resolutions,” they added.
The political experts and analysts maintained that India’s denial of right to self-determination to the Kashmiris is the cause of Kashmir dispute. They said final settlement of the Kashmir dispute lies in implementation of the UN resolutions, which call for plebiscite under the UN auspices to enable the Kashmiris decide their fate by themselves.
DEATH OVER SLAVERY IS KASHMIRIS’ MESSAGE TO INDIA: Kashmiri martyrs are the real asset of the Kashmir freedom movement and Kashmiris will not allow the blood of their martyrs go waste.
A report released by Kashmir Media Service, said there is no sacrifice bigger than sacrificing life for the freedom of one’s motherland. “Death over slavery is the message of the Kashmiri martyrs for India. Kashmiri martyrs are writing the future of their land with their blood,” it said.
The report noted that the Kashmiri people highly regard the sacrifices of their martyrs and their resolve to get freedom from Indian slavery gets even stronger after every martyrdom.
The KMS report maintained that the Kashmiris are determined to carry the martyrs’ mission to its logical conclusion and their defiance against India will remain a golden page in Kashmir’s history. It said, “Kashmiris continue to valiantly fight and defy Modi-led Hindutva regime. India can kill Kashmiri youth but it can’t subjugate their spirit of freedom and day is not far off when Kashmiri martyrs’ sacrifices will bear fruit, it added.
POSTERS URGE PEOPLE TO MARK AUGUST 5 AS BLACK DAY: In Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, posters continue to appear in various parts of the territory urging the people to mark August 5 as Black Day.
On August 05, 2019, Narendra Modi-led fascist Indian government repealed the special status of IIOJK and put the territory under military siege. The atrocities of Indian troops on the people of the occupied territory have witnessed a massive surge since this illegal move of the Modi regime.
The posters pasted by the Youth Wing Democratic Political Movement, Fidayeen-e-Kashmir and Youth Freedom Fighters on walls, pillars and electricity poles in different areas of Srinagar, Badgam, Baramulla and other districts of the occupied territory also asked the IIOJK people to observe complete shutdown, today, to send a clear message to India that the Kashmiris reject its forcible and illegal occupation of their motherland.
The posters maintained that August 5 is the darkest day in the history of IIOJK because on this day on 2019, India had robbed the Kashmiris of their rights. They said that Modi regime’s illegal moves were rejected not only by the Kashmiri people but also the international community. The posters called upon the Kashmiri people to hoist black flags to show their resentment against the Indian illegal occupation of their soil. The Kashmiris have also been appealed to continue their peaceful struggle for their inalienable right, the right to self-determination, till the accomplishment of the mission of their martyrs who have laid down their lives for this sacred cause.