The Senate Standing Committee on Oversees Pakistanis and Human Resource Development on Friday, taking up “The Emigration (Amendment) Bill, 2020”, sought a report on the bill for further consideration and deliberation in its next meeting. The bill “The Emigration (Amendment) Bill, 2020” had been referred to the committee, by the House on June 3.
The committee members showed their displeasure over the incomplete working papers, provided by the Overseas Ministry on the bill.
Senator Sherry Rehman said that a bill could not be approved without taking into consideration the approved report of the National Assembly Standing Committee and views of the Members of the National Assembly. Senator Shahadat Awan also raised objections to the legal points of the bill.
He raised objection in the amendment of section 2, ordinance XVIII of 1979, on the substituting the words “Federal Government”, with the words ” Prime Minister or a person authorized by him”. Chairman Committee, Manzoor Ahmed Kakar directed the Ministry of Overseas Pakistani and Human Resource Development to ensure the provision of all relevant documents in the next meeting.
The committee members also reviewed the public petition regarding a Pakistani National, Junaid Aslam being held without proper pay by his employer in Saudi Arabia.
The Secretary, Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development informed the committee members that Junaid Aslam could not be traced in Saudi Arabia. The officials also informed the committee that Junaid Aslam had been issued a new passport on June 15, 2021. Senator Shahadat Awan inquired about the procedure of repatriating the accused from Saudi Arabia. The committee members were of the opinion that according to the report on the public petition no. 3749, Junaid Aslam is still missing. The Committee disposed off the petition with the recommendations that periodic update on the case might be provided to the Committee. In addition details or similar cases before the Ministry should be submitted to the Committee. Senator Fawzia Arshad, raised the issue of Blacklisting of oversees Pakistanis by the Government of Dubai. She stated that several Pakistanis, even those born in Dubai were not being issued visas and have been blacklisted for life.
Senator Fawzia urged the Ministry to address this issue. The officials of the Ministry said that no such information had been conveyed through formal channels, but committed to look into the cases pointed out by the Senator , with periodic reports to the Committee.