KARACHI: The poor drainage system in Karachi has lead to an increase in spreading of diseases; however, KMC and KWSB are incompetent to device a workable plan to improve the drainage system.
Communicable and vector diseases in Karachi are on the rise and one of the factors includes the overflowing gutters. In slum areas almost every second street could be found inundated in sewerage water.
According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), poor drainage and inadequate sanitation is a cornerstone of public health. Improved sanitation contributes enormously to human health and well-being, especially for girls and women.
The Karachi Metropolitan Corporation, District Municipal Corporations, Karachi Water and Sewerage Board and Cantonment Boards have to play their due roles in their respective jurisdictions to improve the failing drainage system in the city. However, it also needs that the elected councilors also play an active role in bettering drainage systems in their areas.
The general, medical and engineering universities should also launch research and thesis programmes that target different aspects of the drainage system of the city and suggested workable solutions to mitigate the sufferings of people.
With improved drainage system, diseases like dengue, malaria, typhoid, diarrrhoea and resultant anaemia and malnutrition, ascariasis, campylobacteriosis, cholera, cyanobacteria toxins, hepatitis, Japanese encephalitis (JE), leptospirosis and many other diseases could be checked and general public benefited at a great extent.